A leaking roof is seriously dangerous issue. Most homes need to be attended by damaged roof repair specialists for this. The reason is because water damage can easily occur due to leaks. Here’s a list of some of the areas most susceptible to roof leaks.
The valleys of your roof are the areas where two sides intersect. Think of an inverted triangle, and you’ll see the valley as the bottom point. Although this is usually protected by flashing, there may be tiny gaps where water can seep into your home. These gaps form when the shingles are too long and overlap, which covers the area but doesn’t protect it.
The soffits are the aesthetic cover that hang underneath the fascia. This is where the vents are usually installed. Because it doesn’t have a cover, water can get stuck and be left there for weeks. It can also suffer from moisture buildup.
While gutters should drain water, the buildup of debris can make it the cause of leaks. This is because debris can block the downspout drain, which leads to standing water. This can seep or overflow into the home and cause moisture to build up on other parts of the roof. It can also weigh heavy enough to pull down your gutters and roof system.
Last but not the least is the chimney area. A licensed roofing contractor needs to check this carefully since the caulking that covers the seams can break. They’ll need to fix it by applying a roof sealant to the base and the leaking areas.
When your home is under serious water damage, you’ll need a trusted contractor to save the day. Turn to Napolitano Roofing for all your roofing needs. Call us today at (860) 265-4001 to learn more about our different services. We serve residents of Glastonbury and Manchester, CT.